What is FoCo Technique™?:

FoCo Technique™ is an original contemporary dance technique developed by Yue Yin incorporated Chinese classical dance elements, folk forms, ballet vocabulary and contemporary movement. The technique draws inspiration from the essence of the five elements of the iChing — Earth, Wood, Water, Metal, Fire

What is FoCo Technique™ Class?:

FoCo Technique™ is an original contemporary dance technique developed by Yue Yin, fuses elements of Chinese classical dance, folk forms, ballet vocabulary and contemporary movement. 

Designed for pre-professional and professional dancers, the class requires a sophisticated understanding of dance technique as well as well developed physical and mental stamina. Each class is 90 min in length and conducted in a follow-long method following three-stage structure: Activating - establishing the connections between mind and body, Rooting - finding footing and building grounded awareness and Mapping - recognizing the transitions and pathways of movement.

The FoCo instructor leads students through each class segment, with an eye towards achieving precision and control, identifying and embodying rhythm and dynamic change in movement, forming strong interactions and connection with the force of gravity. Movement research will follow the final stage - Mapping - in each FoCo Technique class.

Starting on Jan 31, 2024, a weekly FoCo Technique ™ class will be offered at 92NY on Wednesdays at 5pm.

How do we train dancers in FoCo Technique™?:

FoCo Technique using a three stage training system to guide the progress of the training. The class is conducted in follow-along style and streamlined to a continuous flow and motion following the rhythmic scale Pulse, Drop and Flow.

Stage 1: Activating: Conditioning body and mind at the beginning of the session. Establishing bodily awareness, connection and isolation; Generating heat response within the whole body while paying special attention to upper body.
Stage 2: Rooting: Strengthening and grounding the lower body and enhancing the bodily relationship with the gravity by exercising different rhythmic progression as well as intensity in hips, knees and ankles.
Stage 3: Mapping: Threading, exploring and observing the transition and movement pathways externally and internally.

Following along a continuous movement sequence through three progressive stages, dancers will define tension, gravity, clarity and precision of the movement and develop a heightened sense of awareness and understanding of FoCo Technique™.

What is FoCo Elements Class?:

FoCo Elements class was developed by Yue Yin to introduce the FoCo training method to movers of all training backgrounds and technical levels. FoCo Elements class is taught under the guidance of Yue Yin and following the fundamental principles of FoCo Technique™, incorporating follow-along sequences, patterned and structured exercises and improvisation to explore the elements of FoCo through Activating, Rooting and Mapping stages. FoCo Elements class is currently taught by Grace Whitworth.
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